Robert Wagner, Singer, Songwriter, Guitar, Piano: The son of the “Maestro of Rock,” and our charitable fund namesake, Dick Wagner, Robert has been the lead singer fronting bands, writing, recording, and touring with renowned artists including George Lopez and Buck Cherry, for over 30 years. Robert has performed with rock luminaries Brad Whitford (Aerosmith), Derek St. Holmes (Ted Nugent), and Mark Farner, among others. His soulful vocals evoke the great blues-rock singers, Robert Plant, Steven Tyler, Rod Stewart, and Alice Cooper. But his greatest musical influence has always been his legendary dad, the late Dick Wagner, renowned for his searing virtuoso lead guitar, rockin’ orchestral arrangements, producing, and writing songs with Alice Cooper, Aerosmith, Kiss, Lou Reed, and more. The featured lead singer at our Dick Wagner fundraiser concerts, Robert rocks the rafters.